Monday, July 27, 2015

Attack of the Swamp Creature From Thriller Video on Beta

Attack of the Swamp Creature is one the more rare and hardest to attain of the Thriller Videos hosted by Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. Two weeks ago I saw a listing for four Beta format Thriller Video tapes, including the first time I had seen Attack of the Swamp Creature available on Ebay at all, so I immediately bought the lot, knowing it could be a year or more before I ever saw another copy of this available. It arrived today, and is in good condition. Not immaculate by any means, but the only one I've ever seen. 

Attack of the Swamp Creature from Thriller Video, hosted by Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, on Beta. There's a good chance I'll never watch this movie on this tape, or anywhere else, but look at that wild cover art. 

I now have 19 of the 48 tapes required to have a full collection of Thriller Video hosted by Elvira on both Beta and VHS. I have more Beta tapes than VHS. Maybe I'll get my Betacord off the shelf some night and test a few of these out, but more likely I'll never open any of them. 
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