Friday, May 29, 2015

we are gathering up our dust

we are gathering up our dust

We are gathering up all of our dust now, we are moving along, on our way, maybe not on to bigger and better things, just other things, other places, somewhere, anywhere, other than here.

We are going to box up all of our dust now, all of our dust, and our books, our belongings, all the things we hold dear in the world, the inanimate objects we could not live without, we are boxing up those things and we are moving elsewhere, away from these streets, and that river, and that face, and that voice.

We are headed somewhere, somewhere out there, into the unknown, just wandering aimlessly, searching, and groping, for something, anything even remotely solid or stable, any thing other than here, with you, and these trees, and that sky, those clouds.

We have gathered up our dust now, and we are walking away, and we are saying good bye, good bye cruel world, good bye old signs, and corners, good bye you, good bye to you.

We are not scared, and we are not alone, and this world is just filled with folks who are ready and willing and able to love us, and we are ready and willing and able to love them right back. We are filled with joy and sorrow, and we have all of our dust, and our books, and our big dumb dreams, and we are leaving here alone.

-From Iced Cream by Jesus Correa

Jesus Correa
Buy your very own copy of Iced Cream right here at Zombie Logic

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