Sunday, March 2, 2014

What a Revolution Is Not

Dada art by Bradley Lastname
What a Revolution is Not by Bradley Lastname
I wonder if it is a federal crime to deface money in China. 

I'd like to have more art in my study. But I have some. This piece is by Surrealist Bradley Lastname. 

I have other pieces by Andrew Davis, Jesus Correa, and Jenny Mathews. Then I have a few of my own Poopsicle paintings. 

For a lot of this day I've been trying to get VHS tapes back into the boxes they belong in. I frequently regret as we drive past buildings that used to be video stores that only a few years ago these stores were basically giving people money to take VHS tapes out of their stores. 

Also, I see people paying more than what would have been full price twenty years ago for vinyl records. I can't bring myself to take it seriously that I might oneday buy albums I bought when I was fifteen years ago again on vinyl. The train is gone. 

I'm having a calm day at the Downtown Office. Cleaning and organizing, trying to stumble into something meaningful to do or watch or listen to. Winter won't break. I may watch something from the Movie Macabre series and review it.  Pin It

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