Monday, May 25, 2015

Don't Let a Poet Rake Your Leaves

     I've taken on some landscaping work this spring and summer, more just to be outdoors and have some time away from screens and electronic devices than anything else. I'm working with another artist, a musician, and we often discuss how being outside away from televisions and computers is the best way to refuel the creative process. Because I was raking leaves the first poem that came to me was about raking leaves.

Don't Let a Poet Rake Your Leaves

Your wife will end up contemplating
Enjambment at the breakfast table
And the children will begin using your earnings
Reports to compose trioles.
If that poet takes off his shirt
Your mistress might crash the Civic
You bought her as she rounds the corner
Of Hemlock and Elm.
Save the money for a prop bet
And never let a poet rake your leaves
Even if he grew up in the carriage house
Of your estate.
Given enough time on your grounds
He'll turn the trumpet vines against you
And the orioles will compose ariels
Mocking your manhood....

     I began this poem at the beginning of last summer when I was doing some lawn maintenance work. It was nice to get outside and earn some money for our vacation, but as the summer progressed I began to wear down. I haven't finished this poem yet. 

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