Thursday, April 16, 2015

Jinx Dawson, Coven, and Witchcraft

I have an unusual and unbidden connection with Anton Lavey and the Church of Satan in that out of the blue a couple of years ago I was sent a manuscript for publication written by someone very close to Lavey during the formation of the COS. Someone who had actually co-written the books and had lived in Lavey's house. I passed on the book because that sort of entanglement just seemed like trouble. people still at odds over that estate and how the story should be told. I say this because I received my very own copy of Coven's Witchcraft Destroys Minds and Reaps Souls Lp in the mail today. What I know about this band from my limited research is that were NOT the type of costume Satanists, or dabblers in the occult that were so fashionable in those early days of the Church of Satan. In fact, they weren't associated with the COS at all, and at one point were scheduled to appear at a performance with Lavey, but he backed out. I'm currently listening to the album for the first time on You Tube because I don't own a phonograph player anymore. My first blush reaction is her voice is a lot like Grace Slick. The music itself really pales in comparison to something like Iron Butterfly. I've seen them described as metal, but nothing in the songs bears that out. The songs are more akin to Jethro Tull or maybe even a prog rock band, if there ever were a prog rock band that wasn't very good at playing their instruments. In short, the music is sort of disappointing, but I'm waiting for the Black Mass I know that is at the end of the album. "Kiss the goat."

Coven's Witchcraft Destroys Minds and Reaps Souls

Aside from the overt occultism that caused Mercury Records to recall this album soon after its release because of the public outcry and as an overreaction to the Manson Family murders, the most notable thing about this album is lead singer Jinx Dawson. Born into a prominent Indianapolis family to a doctor father and model mother, her name came from the fact that she was a twin, and when her twin was born stillborn her mother named her Jinx. The family is reported to have been members of some prominent secret societies. With that combination of factors, it's no surprise Dawson set out to find herself in numerous occult disciplines. 

I admire their non-association with the Church of Satan. Sort of lends an air of legitimacy to what they were doing. In fact, all the members of the band were students of the occult, and not just posers. Although for many years Ronnie James Dio has been credited with being the first rocker to flash the Sign of the Horns, it's now clear that Coven did it first. 

Jinx Dawson lead singer of Coven

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