Monday, April 20, 2015

I'm Not Earl, Tom T. Hall

The day after Record Store Day I was still craving more vinyl, so Jenny and I set out to an antique mall in town we'd never been to. Each of us set a spending limit of twenty dollars for the day, so I wasn't expecting to find much. The mall was a pleasant surprise, with all the boots full, plenty of room to move, and a nice variety of items. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a single horror VHS tape, or any Hot Wheels, but I did find a Go Go's album early on, then a booth about midway with some Tom T hall albums, and then at the very last stall, after we were long since too hungry and tired to be looking, there was a vinyl collector. I bought Huey Lewis and the News Sports album and a Return To Forever album for the elaborate artwork. Overall, it was a fun and successful day in the vinyl mines.

Shopping for vinyl records
It's hip to be square!

Bought this Return To Forever album for the artwork, came home, played it, and loved it. 

No, you're not seeing things, this Tom T. Hall album is signed. It's signed to Earl, and I'm not Earl, but nonetheless what a cool thing to find for five dollars. The day after Record Store Day was a good day for vinyl.
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