Friday, March 21, 2014

Find Ways To Make Each Day a Victory

In today's breakneck world of strife, stress, and crushing pressure, it's important to find ways to claim victory each and every day. These victories don't have to be earth-shattering achievements, but you must find a way to declare them. And there are two tried-and-true ways to ensure every day of your life will feel like a march to the Olympic podium: lower your expectations, and learn to take pleasure in the failure of others. 

Here are a couple of examples from my day so far.

* Just ate a whole can of Starkist tuna packed in water without gagging. Sure, it was awful, but 28 grams of protein and almost no calories. Saved over $300 not buying fresh tuna, or even four day old tuna at the market. 

* The Duke basketball team lost in the first round of the NCAA Tournament to Mercer. This makes me happy because Duke spends a lot of money recruiting and paying these players so no one else can compete with them, and Mercer is a team of nobodys from nowhere, and Duke lost. All that time and money spent cheating and all they end up as is cheaters. 

You can do the same. each and every day offers you the possibility to celebrate. Just lower the bar and spike the shit out of the ball at every mundane achievement. Raise your arms in victory and run around the house like Rocky. You're not Fred Phelps. You haven't lowered food stamp benefits for veterans while simultaneously basing your entire world view on being a patriot. You're not that kind of gwat... celebrate. 

It's Friday, and you're not Fred Phelps... celebrate. 

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