Thursday, January 9, 2014

Elvira's Movie Macabre, Episode 140: Nightmare City

City of the Walking Dead Video Game
Nightmare City, or City of the Walking Dead, was the 140th and last movie to appear on Elvira's Movie Macabre. The movie is bettwe known at City of the Walking DEad, and was directed by Umberto Lenzi, best know for his cannibal movies. Nightmare City is probably the better title, but these radiation zombies come off the plane running. One of the first instances of fast moving zombies, the living dead in Nightmare City are fast, and like to fight hand-to-hand. 

Nightmare City
Also, they don't look much like zombies. They look like creatures suffering from radiation poisoning. They're pretty suave, really. They like to drink SoCo from the bottle and never fail to rip off a woman's shirt. They'll fight with whatever weapon is handy, including guns. City of the Walking Dead is more of an action movie than the kind of zombie movie you're probably used to. It's fast-paced, and there are lots of fights. And apparently there's a video game. Pin It

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