Thursday, May 9, 2013

Our New 1970's JC Penney 5 Speed Bikes

We bought these lovely JC Penney bikes yesterday on Riverside. Then we went and worked in the garden. It was a perfect day. Then Jenny broke her ankle at roller derby. But look at these beautiful JC Penney bikes. Mine has a headlight and rear light that actually work and the seat is all cushy and springy. If my parents had bought me this bike when I was a teenager I would have been horrified, but at 44 it seems like the coolest thing in the world. I'm still tinkering with the mirror and the brakes are a little loose, but it's the first bike I've had in over 25 years. Someone really took care of these, polishing the chrome and the seats. Mine whirs when I ride it. 

As long as I'm talking about bikes, I have a memory of the metallic blue Huffy bike that was the favorite of my childhood. It had orange pads. It also happened to be the favorite of the kid down the street, who stole the bike four times. The last two times we just went and got it. 

I'm happy to have a bike again. 

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