Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why A Custom Domain Is Important For Your Blogger Account

My page rank for this blog just went from 3 to 0. 

Am I panicked and pulling out my hair in clumps?


I knew it was going to happen.

After the last page rank update on February 4 my blog had remained stagnant at 3 despite having done quite a lot of good work in the previous three months. My choices were to go out and employ some black hat methods to maybe raise it to 4 sometime in the coming year, or go back to drawing board with a custom domain, double down on quality content, return to a 0 page rank, and hope Google recognizes how much quality niche work I do on this blog and how how much I really care about the topics I write about. My feeling was I was topped out at page rank 3 so I decided to go for the custom domain.

I coined the phrase Zombie Logic in the early 90's, and started my literary press in 1997, so I chose that for my domain name. Now for the next three months I have just decided to do what I always do: write about sports, zombies, poetry, culture, and showcase great artwork and illustrations by my creative partner Jenny Mathews. 

It was fun getting to the point where Google considered my blog credible on several niche topics like underground horror movies, haikus, even webcomics, and it will be fun going even deeper into the depths of those and other topics I don't think are represented fully in the search rankings. 

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