Friday, December 7, 2012

Further Utterances of Sun Tzu

Here is a poem from the book Submerged Structure. It is a contemplation on what the famous Chinese philosopher of war, Sun Tzu might do if forced to stay at the Downtown Hospitality Inn in Tuscaloosa. It's not really about that. Look, here's Paris Hilton reading a book...

Further Utterances of Sun-Tzu

If occupying moral High ground Build a bamboo Hut Suitable for gloating And ride it out With Sumatran coffee And the London Times. If handed an inferior Glass of wine At a peace negotiation Thrust it defiantly In the host's face Dashing all hopes of peace As he has dashed Your hope for a good Buzz, Then overturn the Buffet table and rape His wife- A chintzy host cannot Be trusted. When in Rome... Duckwalk, When in Indiana...
Cowtip, And when in Tuscaloosa Well, you know, Stay at the beautiful Downtown Hospitality Inn. There are one-way mirrors Behind the artwork And the ice machine Is broken, But they gave me fifty Bucks for the ad space. (Sun Tzu doesn't Actually endorse The Hospitality Inn Or this poem But being dead He's in a very Weak tactical Position So fuck him).

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