Saturday, July 7, 2012

Detroit To Become Zombie Amusement Park

I think the only problem with Mark Siwak's plan to convert 200 acres of the city formerly known as Detroit into a zombie-themed amusement park is that he's vastly overestimated the demand for parking. 

March 4, 2013 update: I see the governor of Michigan is attempting to foist an emergency city planner on Detroit. Perhaps that official, who would hypothetically have veto powers over the mayor and city council, would be savvy enough to turn Detroit in to a zombie theme park.

Hell, as long as the CDC is asking Americans to prepare for a zombie apolcalypse, why not just use the city of Detroit as huge training complex for zombie pandemic simulations and tactics. Not a lot different than Dawn of the Dead, except that was in Pittsburgh. 

July 19, 2013: And the elaborate ruse nears the endgame: namely, to transform Detroit into a zombie amusement park where the wealthy can pay a fee, then shoot as many "zombies" as contents their black hearts.  

1 comment:

  1. I know this is satire, but it seems to be becoming more and more possible.
