Sunday, April 29, 2012

Famous Crashes of NASCAR History (Number 3 Donnie Allison v Cale Yarborough)

Donnie Allison and Cale Yarborough /// Daytona /// 1979

Cale Yarborough Donnie Allison crash 1979
Rubbin' is racin'.

And so is punchin'.

I'll bite your damn leg off, Yarborough.

Not before I kick you in the paunch, Allison.

Heck with that. Let's all just get drunk and play Twister.


  1. Transript:
    Allison: eyh pull uhp erh inna Cale uhnd puhshn ehrna cahr unhnna urm.
    Yarbourough: inna tuhrn dhropn downa wuza basicl muhdnhernha
    Allison: hima hern enna kahr ruhnnin hinm hihr inna fin funnrhe.
    God I love this country.

  2. That's what my caption should have read.
