Sunday, March 11, 2012

Thomas L. Vaultonburg For Winnebago County Coroner 2012

I am here to announce that I am a candidate for Winnebago County Coroner 2012. As America's first Zombie (Z) Party candidate, I have run for Winnebago County Coroner twice, in 2004, and 2008, but fully expect to win in 2012. 

Zombie Party candidate Thomas L. Vaultonburg
Thomas L. Vaultonburg for Winnebago County Coroner

Please meet my cabinet of highly qualified Coroner's Assisstants...

My Coroner's cabinet

I feel my qualifications for dealing with the dead speak for themselves. I am a star of zombie movies, founder of the world's first and longest running Zombie Press, and I wrote the first zombie poem ever, The Shrimp Fork Circumcision Incident (page 46, 1991). I know the dead, I love the dead, I have surfed with the dead.

Here's Bub the Zombie Pretending to endorse me

Bub the Zombie salutes

Vote Undead, vote Vaultonburg for Winnebago County Coroner 2012

While you're here, why not attend The 2012 Zombie Academy Awards and check out an issue of our webcomic Single Zombie Female


  1. wow, congrats, i'm happy for you!! :))
    hope you win, good luck ok


  2. Thank you. I'll actually be more than happy to finish in second place, because the current Coroner, Sue Fiduccia, does a fine job, but if elected I will serve.

  3. How many votes did you get? I understand Sue Fiduccia is a pretty formidable candidate, and knows the dead rather intimately. HallofBadDudes
